Management consultantsUpstream supply chain
OfficeWanchai & Kwun Tong, Hong Kong SAR, China
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Our partnershipsUN Global Compact

In January 2023, good chain is officially part of the United Nations Global Compact! 😎

Launched in 2000, the UN Global Compact is the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world, with more than 15,000 companies and 3,800 non-business signatories based in over 160 countries, and more than 69 Local Networks.

UN Global Compact

UN Global Compact

Our programmesThe activities we partake in
Trainings (anti-corruptions)
Since joining the UN Global Compact in 2022, we have made it mandatory for all our full-time employees to participate in annual anti-corruption and bribery trainings. Currently 100% of our team is trained on anti-corruption and bribery best practices and internal policies.
To accelerate actions, we endorse 5 of our full-time staff to participate in the SDG Innovation Accelerator for Young Professionals. At the end of this nine-month program, we aim to have developed innovative yet tangible solutions that can deliver our sustainability objectives.
SDG Games
To bridge gaps between the sustainable development goals and action, good chain’s staff is socialized and trained on all the goals that we are focusing on through game-based learning. Our team is equipped with practical experience of this tool and this is part of our training offer to clients.
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OUR LOCATIONSWhere to find us?
Hint: We are located in one of the streets in Hong Kong Island that is known for selling flooring and building materials!
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