Management consultantsUpstream supply chain
OfficeWanchai & Kwun Tong, Hong Kong SAR, China
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Sharing is caring! For the second year, our Director Thomas Vandenbogaerde (范登波), MEng, MSc, CPIM, CLTD went to HKBU School of Business along with 2 HKBU Alumni Elaine Soh and Sakar Shrestha to share techniques and tricks to MSc students. Not pictured an interactive game with live BI results with that tricky topic: choosing between...

GCSS Green Recycling
GCSS Green Recycling 4
GCSS Green Recycling 3
GCSS_Green Recycling 2

This year, we are committing to reducing our landfill waste 🚀 As part of the process, our team visited the GREEN @ Wan Chai Recycling Store near our office. ♻🏠 We brought our recyclable waste there (and logged it with QR code and electronic scale, because yeah we love analytics 😋) and we had fun...


The values behind a name  12 April 2020    ” It’s a hard-learned lesson to get into management consulting when your upbringing was centered about the notions of service and loyalty, instead of these of success and achievement. More than a decade of experience later, unbiased and committed work keep renewing the trust clients place in each member of good chain.”  –  We’d rather be good...

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OUR LOCATIONSWhere to find us?
Hint: We are located in one of the streets in Hong Kong Island that is known for selling flooring and building materials!
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